Sunday 15 September 2013

Mastering Guitar - Learn Basic Guitar

I stumbled upon this site the other day, its not bad. It's got plenty of good strong content and tips to learning basic guitar. Mastering guitar also has some good links to other sites and online guitar courses

Mastering Guitar - Mastering Guitar

Sunday 8 September 2013

What Is Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease Symptoms

The symptoms of Celiac Disease can vary from person to person and also intake of gluten, the protein found in wheat and other grains. Common celiac symptoms include; abdominal pain,weight loss and fatigue. Celiac Disease can affect almost every part of the body. Celiac has been known to affect your skin, your hormones and even your bones and joints. The real sign that your Celiac or Gluten Intolerant is smelly diarrhoea.

 People with celiac disease can also suffer from constipation as opposed to diarrhoea and weight gain instead of weight loss, also heart burn instead of stomach pain. Gluten intolerance is the number one cause of bloated stomach.

What Is Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is when the protein found in wheat and other grains, Gluten, can not processed by the digestive system. The Protein remains in the small intestine and attacks the villi preventing the nutrients in food from being absorbed by the body. This can lead to a whole range of illnesses if not treated.

How To Be Tested For Celiac Disease

Testing for Celiac Disease usually starts with a blood test. If your celiac blood test come back positive the next step is to undergo an endoscopy and a biopsy to see if there is damage to your intestine and villi. The Endoscopy may show your villi damaged in a particular pattern, thus confirming Celiac Disease.
The celiac disease blood test checks for antibodies in your immune system to see the reaction to gluten, so you must be eating gluten to be effectively tested for gluten intolerance. Below are the five blood tests that identify gluten intolerance.

AGA (antigliadin antibodies)-IgA
tTG (anti-tissue transglutaminase)-IgA
EMA (anti-endomysial antibodies)-IgA
Total serum IgA

Treating Celiac Disease

There is no cure for celiac disease The only real treatment is a gluten free diet. Celiac disease sufferers differ in their tolerance of gluten. Unfortunately gluten can be found in many of our foods, including lots of our favourites. You can find a list of goods that contain gluten here.

The standard method of treatment is to eliminate all gluten from the diet. The gluten free diet should include these principles.

  • Avoid all foods made from Wheat,Rye and Barley. That  would include pasta,cereals,bread,crackers,pies and gravies.

  • Oats should be avoided. Some celiac sufferers can tolerate oats,long term effects of oats on gluten sensitive people is not known. Oats can often be contaminated with wheat while processing. 

  • Many processed foods contain gluten. canned soups,salad dressings, ice cream, luncheon meats are a few (full list).

  • Tablets, capsules and vitamins may also contain gluten as wheat starch is the binding agent used in tablets. Cosmetic products can also contain gluten eg: lipstick.

  • Alcohol. Many alcohol products contain barley Beer,Wine,Brandy etc.

  • Dairy products that contain lactose are also something a celiac should avoid

All celiac or gluten intolerant people should take a daily multivitamin to combat malabsorption.

Find Out all You Need To Know About Gluten Intolerance.